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2023 / 03 / 08

Airtight-T – a construction tape that seals and adheres to many different surfaces

With good air and water sealing performance, Airtight-T functions optimally as weather protection or airtight joint tape.

Airtight-T – en byggtejp som tätar och fäster på många olika underlag

Airtight-T is a vapor-permeable construction tape made of material similar to a windproof fabric. Its range of use is broad because the tape adheres well to many different materials. This makes it suitable, for example, for use as protection on underlying facade or structural details. The taped details become both aging-resistant and airtight.

- Adhesive that works even in low temperatures
- Vapor-permeable and waterproof

- The tape is UV-resistant during the construction period
- Split protective film simplifies installation
- Good adhesion on many frame and board materials, as well as wind protection fabrics
- Durability even on alkaline surfaces such as concrete and plaster

Read more about the product here:
Airtight T