Warranty Program
A good climate shell consists of several high-quality parts, but it is when they are used together that they reach their full potential. All our products are carefully tested and quality assured: each individually and together.
As the only player in the market, we provide a full guarantee for both individual products and functionality. Within TESHELL®, we have three different guarantees: functional guarantee, product guarantee, and waterproofing guarantee.
Read more about our guarantees below.
When you want a guarantee for our entire function program.
As a customer, you should feel confident that we have done our job in testing, quality assuring, and evaluating the parts individually and together in the system.
When you want a warranty for individual products.
For each individual product within TESHELL®, we guarantee that they last
promised quality for up to 30 years.
Warranties related to welded waterproofing membranes.
For each individual product within TESHELL®, we guarantee that they last
promised quality for up to 30 years.
Do you want to register your construction for warranty?
As a customer, you should feel confident that we have tested, validated, and quality-assured the products individually, but perhaps most importantly – together as an integrated system solution to ensure lasting functionality in the building over time. With this in mind, we have chosen to strengthen the guarantee for you as a customer in a way that no other player in the market can offer.