Protection solutions for the entire construction process
Every construction project has its critical points. Transport, handling, dust. Weather! Yes, materials, construction, and environments need to withstand various challenges along the way. That's why we have gathered everything you need to protect, cover, and pack in the best way — throughout the entire construction process. TEPROTECT provides you with easier handling and a better final result. For the economy, for the environment, and for the construction as a whole.
With TEPROTECT®, you achieve a better final result, improved working environment, and reduced waste and damage. We help you to be economical and careful throughout the construction process. By packing, covering, and protecting correctly, there is also less waste and fewer damages — and a better final result.
1/ Save money
Efficiency throughout the entire process
Taking care of both materials and construction during the build is a fundamental and highly effective way to save on costs and logistics throughout the entire process.
2/ Save time
Take care of the time
Taking care of the material is taking care of time. By allowing everything to have its place, and ensuring that all materials are well protected and carefully packed, you save time at every step — and throughout the entire process.
3/ Save the environment
Gently and sparingly leads to better sustainability
Sustainability is about managing shared resources – and ensuring that things last. With well-packaged materials and carefully wrapped constructions, you minimize the risk of damage, waste, and loss both in materials and the construction as a whole. We can also facilitate the sorting and recycling of used materials — together we create the sustainable construction process of the future.
The products included in TEPROTECT® are all designed to protect materials and construction during the building process. They are thoroughly tested and maintain the highest quality – both individually and together.
We at TECCA are experts in the protection process for the entire construction. Schedule an appointment and let us show you how we can assist you with complete management of your construction protection process, from packing and delivery from the factory to sorting and recycling of waste.
Learn more about TEPROTECT and how we can help you optimize your construction process