Warranty Description TESHELL® Product Warranty
TECCA AB (556191-0737) guarantees the following in connection with the purchase of TESHELL® products:
We guarantee that the products maintain the promised quality for at least the specified period
for each respective product.
- TECCA (556191-0737) replaces products that are deemed to lack quality.
- Installation must be carried out according to the assembly instructions applicable at the time of installation.
- The warranty must be registered in the TECCA warranty database no later than 10 weeks after the installation date.
- Errors due to incorrect construction deviating from the current assembly instructions.
- Faults due to abnormal load, wear, or natural phenomena.
- Errors due to omission of/or incorrectly executed addition in the construction (renovation/extension)
or additions as post-production montage.
- Transport damage, damage that occurred during assembly or mechanical damage that occurred
after assembly on the products in the system.
- Consequential damages, indirect damage or similar.
Written complaint report substantiating any damage or defect should be sent to TECCA.
If the case meets the warranty conditions, the product will be replaced with another product.
Warranty Description TESHELL® Functional Guarantee for Interior Wall
TECCA AB (556191-0737) guarantees the following function in connection with assembly and use
of the system solution TESHELL® Inside Wall:
We guarantee that the inner climate screen will not experience unacceptably increased air leakage within 30 years.
- Pressure testing indicates a deterioration of more than 0.15 liters/m2 from the original pressure test.
- The pressure testing must be performed by a certified person and according to the pressure testing standard and
method SS-EN ISO 9972:2015.
- TECCA (556191-0737) replaces the products that can be traced to the defects
- Installation must be carried out according to the assembly instructions applicable at the time of installation.
- The system shall be entirely composed of products that are specified to be included at the time of assembly
the system TESHELL® Inside wall*.
- The warranty must be registered in Tecca's warranty database no later than 6 months after the installation date.
Pressure testing must be completed before registration in the warranty database.
- Errors due to incorrect construction deviating from the current assembly instructions.
- Faults due to abnormal load, wear, or natural phenomena.
- Errors due to omission of/or incorrectly executed addition in the construction (renovation/extension)
or additions as post-production montage.
- Transport damage, damage that occurred during assembly or mechanical damage that occurred
after assembly on the products in the system.
- Consequential damages, indirect damage or similar.
Written complaint report including a statement from an expert inspector confirming
any damage or defect is sent to TECCA. If the case meets the warranty conditions
replace incoming products within the system.
*Products included in the TESHELL® Inside Wall system:
Vapor barrier/Vapor brake in wall: T-Foil Robust, T-Foil Standard 100, T-Foil Standard Bio,
T-Vap, T-Vap Pro, T-Flex, T-Stos Butyl, T-Duo Concrete.
Window and door installation with expanding drive band: T-Expand Pro, T-Fix
Window and door installation with tape: T-Flex
Warranty Description TESHELL® Performance Guarantee for Exterior Wall
TECCA AB (556191-0737) guarantees the following function in connection with assembly and use
of the system solution TESHELL® Exterior Wall:
We guarantee that the outer climate shield does not allow a harmful amount of moisture into the construction.
- Applies when an expert assesses that the construction contains a harmful amount of moisture.
- TECCA (556191-0737) replaces the products that can be attributed to the defects.
- Installation must be carried out according to the assembly instructions applicable at the time of installation.
- The system shall be entirely composed of products that are specified to be included at the time of assembly
the system TESHELL® Inside wall*.
- The warranty must be registered in Tecca's warranty database no later than 3 months after the installation date.
- Errors due to incorrect construction deviating from the current assembly instructions.
- Faults due to abnormal load, wear, or natural phenomena.
- Errors due to omission of/or incorrectly executed addition in the construction (renovation/extension)
or additions as post-production montage.
- Transport damage, damage that occurred during assembly or mechanical damage that occurred
after assembly on the products in the system.
- Consequential damages, indirect damage or similar.
Written complaint report including a statement from an expert inspector confirming
any damage or defect is sent to TECCA. If the case meets the warranty conditions
replace incoming products within the system.
*Products included in the TESHELL® Exterior Wall system:
Wind protection in wall: T-Wind Pro, T-Wind Standard, T-Flex Outdoor, Airtight-T, T-Stos Butyl,
T-Duo Concrete
Window and door installation with expanding drive band: T-Expand Pro, Flexseal-T, T-Fix
Window and door installation with tape: T-Flex Outdoor, Airtight-T, Flexseal-T
(For the warranty to be valid, it is required to tape the inside airtight according to the instructions in Teccas Product Guide
for sealing windows and doors with T-Flex.)