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4 common mistakes when buying construction tape

Taping is not always as straightforward as it sounds. Besides the plethora of different types and models, there are also some pitfalls to watch out for. Here we list four common mistakes that occur when buying construction tape

1. Beware of falling into the trap of cheap tape
Choosing a cheap tape over a really good one is a common mistake that often makes it more expensive in the long run. You get what you pay for, even when it comes to tape, so if you're after a real quality build, tape is not something you should skimp on. Good tape is also often easier to work with


2. Remember to think long-term
It's easy to just focus on the moment and forget how the tape ages over time. On day 1, almost all tapes are equally good, but after 10 years in the house wall, the quality differs significantly. If you know the tape is going to be in place for a long time, it might be wise to choose a quality-validated tape with a guarantee of at least 25 years.


3. Don't miss the important functionality guarantee
There is actually tape that is so good it lasts at least 50 years. In combination with other high-quality materials, you can get a 30-year system warranty (as in the TESHELL system) for the entire wall.


4. Choose your tape size carefully
Depending on where you will use the tape, different sizes and properties are required. For window taping, for example, it is important to use a 60mm tape with a slit for a smooth experience. Other things to consider are whether the tape will be exposed to weather or sunlight. In that case, it is important to choose a tape with high UV resistance