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Geo-T N1
  • Geo T N1 1X30 1
  • Geo T N1 1X30 3

Geo-T N1

Geo-T N1 is a needle-punched geotextile that separates, filters, and drains. The geotextile is made of Polypropylene (PP) which has good durability. Also effective in acidic or alkaline environments. Up to 100 years of durability with a pH value of 4-9 and temperatures up to +25°C.

  • Intended for areas with light load

  • Up to 100 years of durability

  • Withstands temperatures up to +25°C

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Application Area

Is intended for areas with light load and on the geotextile, stone size 0-20 mm is used. N1 is therefore not intended for reinforcement of driveways or drainage against house walls. However, the geotextile is perfect for paving and tiling in gardens or as reinforcements of small roads, slopes. The fabric handles separation of different masses in both existing and newly established gardens.

General overlap in underground joint of at least 20 cm.


General overlap in underground joint of at least 20cm.


NorGeoSpec 2012, - N1


  • The product should be stored and kept protected from sunlight. Laid-out fabric should be covered the same day.
  • In the usage environment, the geotextile fabric should be completely embedded or buried to ensure functionality and durability.
  • The geotextile fabric should not be exposed to fill materials such as surrounding layers of blasted rock, sharper stones, or crushed material.
  • Heavier loads should be applied on buried or covered fabric.
  • Should be protected from UV radiation (sunlight) after a maximum of 2 weeks of exposure


  • Name Art.nr Specification

Technical specification

  • Material: Polypropylene
  • Weight: 85 g/m²
  • Pore size: 120 µm
  • Water permeability: 0.10 m/s

This product is evaluated and registered with the following entities:

  • Registered in Basta's product database
  • Assessed in Sunda hus
  • Building product assessment level: 1.Accepted

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